Integration into Django-CMS

Set up list of authors

The integration of the list of authors and individual authors’ pages are realized through an Django Apphook in the CMS. That is, a CMS page is created that is subsequently managed throug the eoaauthors application. The Apphooks have to be registered in the Publication Platform in a file called that is located next to the file. An example can be found at After having created and populated that file, restart the Django service.

Create a new page in the CMS:

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Pay attention to the slug entry. This has to match the path that is given in the template file, the default setting is author.

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Click on Save at the bottom of the page to finalize the creation.

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After the creation, edit the page again. You need to access the advanced settings. To do so, hold the shift key in the Pages overview page. The pencil icon will change to a gears icon. Now click it.

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Scroll down to the field Application.

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Click on it to select the appropriate app hook.

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Save the page again.

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Back in the Pages overview, the dot in the row of the newly created page will be grey. That means that there are unpublished changes. Click on the dot to publish them.

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When visiting the page, it will be empty except for an introductory text. In order to insert authors, they need to be created in the Admin interface. The next section explains how to create entries of authors.

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