Installation with Virtual Environment

As a slightly more lightweight approach, the whole system can also be set up in a Virtual Environment. This solution will definitely be lighter on system resources like disk space and memory.

Python packages

If not done already, install the following packages (on Linux):

sudo apt-get install python3-venv virtualenv

EOA Publication Platform

Clone the source files for the publication platform:

git clone

Additional deployment steps


A small note before you continue, as it is not easy to move a virtual environment after installation.

If you plan to use this installation on a production server, consider the additional steps of creating a separate user and a daemon and running the service in a non-user directory for more security and stability. See the main documentation.

Create Virtual Environment

You are free to choose a name of your choice here:

virtualenv -p python3 eoapp_ve
cd eoapp_ve
source bin/activate

Installation of the system

The next steps set up the EOA Publication Platform:

pip install djangocms-installer lxml
djangocms --cms-version stable eoapp
pip uninstall djangocms-googlemap

Submodules – Further development planned?

If you plan on further developing the submodules of the platform, consider using the following commands for installation. With this, the submodules are located in the src directory on root level and in version control:

pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+
pip install -e git+

Otherwise, use these commands to install them deeper in the system:

pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+
pip install git+

Adding the webdesign and templates and settings

If you haven’t done so yet, see the webdesign documentation for installation and usage. For the webdesign, you need the app.js and app.css files as well as the assets directory. After having built these files or obtained them from another source, copy them into the new platform:

cd <path_to_webdesign_platform>/dist
cp -r app.* assets/ <path_to_eoapp_ve>/eoapp/eoapp/static/

Similarly, add the templates and settings from the EOA-1.5 repository:

cd <path_to_eoapp_ve>
rm -r eoapp/eoapp/templates
cp -rv <path_to_eoa-1.5>/src/eoa/templates <path_to_eoapp_ve>/eoapp/eoapp/
cp <path_to_eoa-1.5>/src/eoa/ <path_to_eoapp_ve>/eoapp/eoapp/
cp <path_to_eoa-1.5>/src/eoa/ <path_to_eoapp_ve>/eoapp/eoapp/

Importing data and setting up the database

Import some basic CMS pages and settings:

cd eoapp
python loaddata <path_to_eoa-1.5>/fixtures/cms_dummy.json

Finally, update the database by migrating:

python makemigrations
python migrate --run-syncdb

Run the server

It should now be possible to run a server and access the site through the browser:

python runserver